To decorate one party for each of my kids per year just wasn’t enough. I would spend months thinking of and anticipating decorating for their parties. Party day would come, and I always felt like being a parent and a party decorator at the same time was exhausting! I simply never had enough time to decorate, entertain and plan all the logistics to have a great party. But what if there were other parents that felt the same as I did? I could somehow help solve the never-ending burden of wearing all the “hats” of throwing a party. It’s ironic that I decided to delve into the sleepover party niche as I had never been to a real sleepover…EVER! With that being said, it is easy for me to make sure that kids are having the most exquisite and elaborate sleepover they could ever imagine, while relieving the host some of the responsibility. Let me help set up the party of your dreams!

Come party with us!

Our Story